How do you release?


“Syrak once told me that I need to close my eyes, relax, and mentally travel to a place that allows me to release my negative emotions. She said I need to feel the wind on my face. I’ve tried to envision myself on a beach like she does. I’ve tried to envision myself on a mountain ledge overlooking the most magnificent and beautiful mountainscape in the world. I’ve imagined myself in a million different places, but every time I close my eyes and try to relax, I find myself staring into black emptiness, which is anything but relaxing. It has taken me years to realize that my escape isn’t a place. My escape is an action. My escape is a color.”

Reyson Rathire

“The waves crashing from such a large force against a shore just makes my problems seem so miniscule. The wind whipping through my hair and the sound of the ocean f illing my ears overpower and silence all the thoughts that usually dominate my mind. That’s what keeps me refueled when my tank is empty. That’s what gives me the strength to push through when the weight of my responsibilities is too heavy to bear. That’s my release. Sometimes, I just have to feel the wind on my face. So, I stand up straight, close my eyes, lift my head, and imagine that I can feel the wind on my face and hear the waves crashing against the shore. I envision a beautiful orange, red, and yellow sunrise dawning the day above the ocean waves crashing against my feet. I exhale a breath and feel the change in my chest, the weight lifted from my shoulders, and I open my eyes, renewed, refreshed, and ready for whatever the next case is going to throw at me.”

Shal Syrak

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