Sneaaaaaak Peek!


 I circle my tongue around her nipple while she breathes heavily in my ear. I’m taking my time with her, relishing every moment. I’ve waited for this for so long. She’s ingrained herself in my dreams, in my life, and pushed me beyond any kind of limitations and rules I had set for myself. Her long black hair is perfect for taking control and pulling her head back while I make my way up and down from her lips and waist, playing my tongue over her lace tattoo on her right shoulder. I’ve fantasized about this moment. I’ve fantasized about making her mine and taking her to places mentally that other men have never taken her before.

 I’ve fantasized about taking a piece of her with me.

I know she wants this just as much as I do, but I also know she hasn’t wanted this moment for as long as I have. If she knew all of the lives I’ve taken, all the ways I’ve dreamed of taking hers, or what I plan to do to her before this is over, she would not have ever invited me over for dinner. She wouldn’t have invited me into her bed. I throw her down on her emerald silk sheets and feel the satisfaction of the emotions as they start to break through their normal barriers. It’s a rush of adrenaline and satisfaction. It’s a fix, and I just can’t get enough. I work my way down to her thighs and spread them apart, licking and caressing every inch of her body. I can taste her and taste the anticipation building in her body. I lick her deeper and feel her body arc underneath me as I caress my fingers into her opening. Her body throbs and constricts against my fingers as she releases. She switches positions and inserts my entire shaft in her mouth. The shock accompanied by the feel of the back of her throat has my world spinning.

I grab a handful of her hair, bobbing her head up and down with varying speeds. This is everything I thought it would be. She’s everything I thought she would be. She’s gentle but has just enough grit to bite and scratch as she makes her way up to my mouth. She’s an enigma. The epitome of a rounded, good girl to all who know her and anything but behind this bedroom door. I meet her lips with insatiable hunger and throw her down, slamming into her without hesitation. I am consumed by passion and red as the barriers surrounding my self-control crumble.

“You feel so good,” I say as I slam into her harder and harder until she comes all over me again. There’s a fire in her eyes, pleasure and passion burning within, that I’ll carry with me and remember for the rest of my life. I wrap my hands around her neck. I can feel myself slapping against her in the rhythm we’ve created with our bodies. It’s a beautiful song, but it doesn’t last long. Her eyes become wide in terror as my hands squeeze her neck tighter. There are so many sounds in this room, but they’re all coming from me. Her body begins to flail from panic, and the look of passion and fire leaves her eyes. Her once squinted, dilated, glassy, heat-filled eyes are replaced with wide, white circles filled with confusion and fear. She’s scratching and slapping at my hands, my arms, my face. The fight just makes it that much hotter and sends shivers up my spine.

A primal growl grows deep in my throat, and I let it escape as I increase my thrusts into her. With every thrust, my grip tightens, and the terror in her eyes intensifies. When I see life leave her eyes, I climax and come the hardest I ever have. Everyone says there’s nothing like making love to someone you truly love because it’s so intimate, passionate, and open. I often wonder if those people have ever fucked someone while watching the life and light leave their eyes.

Because it really can’t compare.

I lie there on top of her lifeless body, feeling the release, the indulgence. I bask in my relaxation like a warm sun that just rose on a beach. It’s not often enough that I feel a peace like this. I pull the knife from the sheath I keep around my ankle and grip the hilt tight as I cut a piece of the black lace skin from her right shoulder, shoving it in my plastic bag to add to my collection.

Another one in the books.






One response to “Sneaaaaaak Peek!”

  1. Brenda Hamilton Avatar
    Brenda Hamilton

    I’m ready to order my copy!